Monday, 3 November 2014

Chapter 7: Power to the People

The documents in this chapter provide a interesting account on Eva Peron and her role in Argentine politics. It is evident that she developed a significant following and was considered to be a woman of the people.

Document 7.1 Foster Haileys "Peronists will head Argentine ticket" discusses the events that led up to the declaration of the Peron's to run again for the presidency. The article discuses both the rapid timeline that was forced upon Senora Peron as well as the political power plays that occurred during the estabilishment of who would run second on the ticket. It was clear that this was a turbulent time in politics

Whilst the validity and accuracy of Documents 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 must be questioned they do provide an outline the kind of woman that Evita Peron was. She was someone that was a bridge between the poor and the wealthy and powerful elites of society. It is truly a shame that she was taken from Argentine by Cancer at the age of 33 after being forced to rescind her candidacy due to military and political backlashes as well as her declining health. If she had continued into the esteemed position of Vice president she could have made significant strides in the improvement of women's rights throughout Latin America.

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